Thursday, August 27, 2009

Our Solar System

Our solar system has 8 planets and 1 sun (name of planets)Mercury,Venus,Earth,Mars,Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus and Neptune.Now I know that Pluto is not a planet but has its moon named :Charon...(Here is the 5 Biggest Moons)(There are actully there are 35 but too much to write)
1st,Did u know Jupiter has the biggest moon named :Ganymede which is 5,268 Diameter(km)!
The 2nd is Saturn's moon,named Titan which is 5150 Diameter(km)
3rd,is Jupiter's moon again,named Callisto which is 4.806 Diameter.
4th,is Jupiter's moon again!Wow Jupiter has lots of Big moons,named Lo it is 3.642 Diameter.
Last but not least,It is OUR OWN Moon!3.476 diameter.

Note:This is from the book I'm reading.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Please go to ( and ( to watch the videos as I have an error.Title:Music in a funny way


I got 50.5 on EL,22/50 in Chi,46/50 in Sci and 35/50 in Maths.

My targets were EL:50.5/70 CHI:25/50 MA:35/50 SCI:45/50.

I reached my EL,MA and SCI.

I will study harder so i can improve.
Darn when i keep trying to post video they say "Error"so angry

Sunday, August 2, 2009

For Facebook Members Only

If u have a Facebook account on ( You can add me named (Daniel Chua) or my email( My picture is a boy with yellow hair with a blue ring around him.Hope u enjoy playing on Facebook There are lots of games there.

Signing off,

2 Aug 2009 8.00P.M