Sunday, November 8, 2009

Reflections on Gamelan Performance

This is the picture I have posted and I really enjoyed the performance.After they performed 11 of a few pupils learned to play while my class and all the other classes answered questions.After the pupils played the adults played a few other songs than when closing the curtains 1 of them stick out his head from the curtains.I laughed with my friends!

Reflections on P3 Camp

I enjoyed the P3 Camp as there was lots and lots of activity to do there,first there was the Maths Trail.There was 7 stations we started from the 3rd than to the 4th,5th,6th and so on.Next we did the 4 games first was the Burning Bridge,next the Mind Field,than Blind Fold lastly was the Parachute.

Thought I enjoy the Camp I dislike the Burning Bridge cause one of the Green team(Jannen's team)Used the stalk of the chair to pok me than hited me down the chair first the pok I thought it was an accident but the hit was real as the person smiled when he hited me.